Saturday, April 23, 2005


Four season, one week

You many have heard the saying if you don't like the weather here just wait fifteen minutes and it will change. Well, this week we have had every season, slightly out of order, but everyone.

Tuesday was a cool summer day, the ones you live for. 29 C, hot enough to enjoy but not so hot that you can't be active, just gorgeous.

Wednesday was a spring rainstorm, warm refreshing rain coming down by the bucketful.

Friday was a clear crisp autumn day. The sun was shining but the air was cold enough for a jacket even when you were active.

Today, Saturday, is a bloody blizzard the ground is white and the trees are caked in wet snow.

Please can we have srping for more than a day. It would be really nice to have the season we are supposed to have for at least five minutes.


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