Friday, April 22, 2005


Mr Dithers Throws the Dice

Paul Martin has gambled his non-existant political future on a Hail Mary pass. He is trying to get time to restore Canadian's faith in the Liberal party. He may not get this time, given the balance of the current parlament it is down to the independents whether or not there will be an election. I think the government can hold it off for a month or two but they have to give the opposition control of the parlament for five days before the end of the session in June. During those day the Tories and the Bloc will push, and probably get, an election.

Harper will have a big stick to Martin with, but he will have armed Layton to attack him. Charges of jumping the gun are useless from the Liberals, but will be very statemen-like from the NDP. The tories would be making a power-grab and Layton just has to call a spade a spade for the NDP to walk into a lot of Liberal turf.

This is also a opportunity for the Greens. The Greens are more moderate then the NDP, but Canadians have not really discovered this yet. They are kind of the liberals with more vision, which should sell well if the product can build some name recognition. The greens have a lot more money this time then last time because of the new election finance rules. The question is whether they can grab both the social moderate vote and the green tory vote. It is possible but difficult


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