Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Why did Iran Take the British Sailors?

Here is an idea I have seen float around the blogosphere. This version is from Cathie.
Now the Brits are saying their sailors were captured in retaliation for the provacative US raid on the Iran consultate in Kurdistan in January -
The attempt by the US to seize the two high-ranking Iranian security officers openly meeting with Iraqi leaders is somewhat as if Iran had tried to kidnap the heads of the CIA and MI6 while they were on an official visit to a country neighbouring Iran, such as Pakistan or Afghanistan.
What the Bush Administration has do something stupid evil thing and it coming home to roost? Which is not to say that Iran didn't react by retaliating in evil immoral way.

Do you ever get the feeling that you are watching to street gangs posing before a fight?

As a footnote, Iran's goal in this action was to drive a wedge between British and the Americans. To some degree they have succeeded. Bush put his foot in his mouth and made the situation worse.

As well, It is worth noting that Iran scored a propaganda coup with this action by treating the prisoners according to the Geneva Conventions. It was satisfying to catch the torture is fun crowd wrapping themselves in Geneva love.

Just a little hypocracy. They would probably cite American exceptionalism.


Edit: Here is a better description of the mess the Bushites have made with this issue

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