Monday, September 25, 2006
Quote: Irony with a Baseball Bat
"Our tendency to concentrate power in the hands of a few men deeply concerns me. We can be conquered by bombs or subversion; but we can also be conquered by neglect - by ignoring the Constitution and disregarding the principles of limited government. Our defenses against the accumulation of unlimited power in Washington are in poorer shape, I fear, than our defenses against the aggressive designs of Moscow. Like so many other nations before us, we may succumb through internal weakness rather than fall before a foreign foe,"
-Barry Goldwater
For those of you unfamilar with 60's America politics, Barry Goldwater was the vanguard of the modern conservative movement. He served as a prototype for Reagan and broke new ground with is book conscience of a conservative.
The irony is that he lead to the liberarian side of the republican party, as such he would, if he was active today, be branded as a liberal. This thought amuses me to no end.
-Barry Goldwater
For those of you unfamilar with 60's America politics, Barry Goldwater was the vanguard of the modern conservative movement. He served as a prototype for Reagan and broke new ground with is book conscience of a conservative.
The irony is that he lead to the liberarian side of the republican party, as such he would, if he was active today, be branded as a liberal. This thought amuses me to no end.