Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Really Damn Interesting Essay
Ponzi schemes, money laundering, a charimatic criminal (maybe), new and possibly intrepretations of laws and a mind hurting application of logic... Man this essay has got it all!
Last, week, Dentara Rast -- a character in CCP's Eve Online massively multiplayer online world -- pulled off an impressive stunt. He ran a classic Ponzi scheme and walked off with 700 billion ISK (in game money, and quite a lot of it). Normally, this kind of in-game bravado would generate nothing but a confuse stare from someone not deep inside the Eve universe, and little more than scandal-of-the-week titillation and subsequent yawns there. But I believe this case is more interesting than that.
I believe Dentara Rast committed fraud.
I believe he owes the IRS a lot of money.
Take the time to read the entire essay.