Thursday, April 14, 2005


Trust the Tories? More reasons not to.

I was reading Mike's writing at Semi Lucid Political Thoughts when one of his comments caught my attention:


Should parliamentarians be subject to the same laws as the rest of us
? Or are they somehow above the law, like BC Premier Gordon Campbell when he basically got off "scott-free" on his DUI charge in Hawaii a few years ago?

This week, Peter Mackay was given 2 back to back week-long driving suspensions for two separate speeding infractions last fall. However the judge agreed to postpone the suspensions until late May, when Mackay will be out of the country anyway, in Australia.

Should Mackay be trivializing his punishment like this, or should he be setting an example as the deputy leader of the party that wants so desperately to govern this country?

I have a big problem with legal immunity for politicians. Legal immunity seems to me to be a recipe for unaccountable and corrupt politics. If you can arrest the thieves then what is stopping them form election fraud. Imagine how much worse Adscam would be if the Liberals knew they could get away with it.

In addition, I wouldn't trust Peter McKay frather then I could throw him with both arms chopped off. Remember what he did to his argeement with David Orchard to not merge the PC's with the Alliance. Was the ink even dry?


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