Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Sputter, cough, their nuts.

Oh yes, all liberals are part of the same plot to destroy christianity and sink the world into sin. Micheal Morre is head of Al Queada in American and the European Union is the birth place of the Antichrist. Frothing wing nuts...


"Hate the sin. Love the sinner." It's the most beautiful tenet of Christianity. But it's also a crucial dividing line that some are trying to move:

The first openly gay Anglican bishop [Rt Rev Gene Robinson, the Bishop of New Hampshire in the Episcopal Church of the United States] has sparked outrage for suggesting that Jesus might have been homosexual. ...

In answer to a question from the congregation about how the acceptance of homosexuality could be squared with the scriptural emphasis on redemption for sins, the Bishop replied: "Interestingly enough, in this day of traditional family values, this man that we follow was single, as far as we know, traveled with a bunch of men, had a disciple who was known as the one whom Jesus loved' and said my family is not my mother and father, my family is those who do the will of God. None of us likes those harsh words. That's who Jesus is, that's who he was at heart, in his earthly life.

''Those who would posit the nuclear family as the be all and end all of God's creation probably don't find that much in the gospels to support it," he said.

It goes without saying that this is blasphemy. To suggest or infer Jesus was a homosexual violates who Jesus was. It suggests Jesus sinned. Which in turn means He was not the Son of God and therefore Christianity is based on a fraud. The Bible is clear Jesus was without sin. The Bible is clear homosexual behavior is sin. Therefore this Bishop does not believe in Christianity. Period.

Before we go on, let me be clear: A sin, is a sin, is a sin. An adulterous relationship is no less a sin than a homosexual one. A lie is no less a sin than a homosexual act. I'm no less a sinner than a practicing homosexual, and am not singling out gay behavior. The Bishop is. I'm playing defense.

So, what's happening here? Why is a Bishop saying these things? The answer is simple: To destroy the church and religion.

Liberals are many things, but they are not stupid and they are doggedly persistent. They don't think short term, they think generationally. Unable to win at the ballot box with their intolerable agenda, they figured out that in order to institute that intolerable agenda they would have to look elsewhere. So, they've infested our institutions. They've infested education, the media, entertainment, the law, the State Department, and government bureaucracies. Need proof?

On national television Terri Schiavo was murdered; starved and dehydrated to death. The nation watched The Powerful ruthlessly torture a helpless invalid for two weeks in front of her parents. The law said it was legal. Entertainment said it was death with dignity. And the media not only said it was popular -- they said it was a blissful and peaceful way to die. And they got away with it. Any questions?

So, now the left's come for the last hold-out that threatens them: Religion. But in order to remove the threat of religion, liberals cannot become a part of it. They must dismantle it until it becomes intolerable to those they disagree with. The way to do it is to take control of the church and move away from "Hate the sin, love the sinner," to the acceptance of sin. The church cannot sustain itself in that form. But that's the whole idea.

Accepting gay marriage is accepting sin. That's why many, like myself, draw a line there. It would be like saying any number of my sins are now blessed by the church. Are okay. And if that happens the very foundation of what the church stands for is dead. How many gay marriages have we seen on television blessed by so-called ministers? If your church starts blessing gay marriage will you still go? No. Of course not. We go to church for it's hard line on sin and the love found in the forgiveness of that sin. Remove either and what's the point? We'll stop going and the church will die. Mission accomplished.

The Bible's tough. We are all sinners. Our white lies make us sinners. Our grudges, our impure thoughts, our selfishness... All those things make us no less a sinner than a man or woman involved in a homosexual relationship. I'm not picking on our gay friends. But sin is sin. And yeah, that's a tough thing to deal with, but it's just the way it is. And it's a good thing. And liberals not only hate that, they're threatened by it. There's no gray in the Bible. No moral relativism. Just right and wrong. And liberals cannot succeed in that arena.

So, what to do? They do what this Bishop has done. They do what they've done before. They encroach. This wolf in sheep's clothing is called "the liberalization of the church." But it's not. It's about accepting sin. And it's the death knell.

We are about to enter into the most important election in nearly thirty years. So, watch for the white smoke. Because who becomes the next Pope is everything. And pray. Pray that the church remains intolerant. Pray the church remains prejudiced. That it rejects, repudiates, and refuses -- not sinners -- for where would I go? But sin.

Go Bigotry Go!!!


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