Friday, March 25, 2005


Share your tax (return)

File this one under becareful with your computer. Identity thieves would have a field day with this. It might explain why one in four people have been a victim of indentity theft. General incompetence at security be consumers and business might also be a problem.


WTOC - TV - Don Bodiker uses a popular file sharing program to swap music and other information over the internet. He also uses his computer to prepare his taxes. He never thought the two had anything to do with each other, until he got a call. "I had no idea who he was or what he was. I just thought he was a typical telemarketer," Bodiker said of the call. "And he wanted to inform me that my tax returns were being posted out on the internet. I was very skeptical but he then proceeded to tell me some very specific details about my tax return."

File sharing software allows you to download files stored in certain shared folders on other users' computers. The flipside is they can also download files from your shared folder. There's a folder on their computer the Bodikers use store the music files they wanted to share. What they didn't realize is that their tax return software saved their returns in the very same place. . .

And he's not alone. A simple search on the file sharing network for the word "tax" turned up hundreds of returns. "It's made me more aware of the possibilities of programs that you attach to your computer," said Bodiker.

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