Wednesday, March 16, 2005


Labelling kids mentally ill for fun and profit

Wow, buying a president can been spectacularly profitable. Just look at this beautiful plan. Test every kid in the U.S. and call a bunch of them sick so you can sell more antidepressants/ritalin. It is just enough to make you gag all the way to your stock broker, if you are so inclined.


EVELYN PRINGLE, COUNTERPUNCH - Citing recommendations by the New Freedom Commission on Mental Health, Bush wants to launch a nationwide mental illness screening program in government institutions, including the public school system, for all students from kindergarten up to the 12th grade. . . The truth is, this is nothing but another Bush profiteering scheme to implement a drug treatment program for use in the public institutions that will generate high volume sales of the relatively new, but inadequately tested, high-priced psychiatric drugs. If all goes as planned, the scheme will generate millions of new customers for the drug companies. . .

The number of children on antidepressant medication increased by over 500% between 1999 and 2003. Antidepressants and anti-psychotics now constitute two of the four top classes of drug sales. (Link)

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